Anthem Data Breach

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Anthem Data Breach
Short Title Health Insurance Company Anthem Was Hacked by Two from China
Location United States
Date 2014

Solove Harm Insecurity, Aggregation, Interrogation
Information Identifying, Contact, Demographic, Credit, Transactional, Medical and Health
Threat Actors Anthem Inc., Hackers from China

Affected customers of Anthem, employees of Anthem
High Risk Groups
Tangible Harms

Anthem, a large health insurance company in the United States was hacked by two from China. Nearly 80 million of records of Anthem's customers and employees were stolen.


In 2014 one of the nation’s largest health insurance companies Anthem was hacked and personal information of tens of millions of its customers and employees were compromised. Insecurity

Another violation that can be identified here is Interrogation, as hackers' actions can be interpreted as probing for personal information through Anthem's systems.

The information accessed included names, Social Security numbers, birthdays, addresses, email, and employment information, including income data. The hackers had obtained nearly 80 million records.

Anthem claimed no credit card information was stolen, and it emphasized that it did not believe medical information were compromised.

However, due to Aggregation of different categories of information and the volume of data that were stolen, one can conclude that also medical information and credit data of the individuals became accessible to the attackers.

In May 2019 two hackers from China were charged for the hack and three other attacks on other unnamed businesses in the US.