Australian Security Cameras Hacked

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Australian Security Cameras Hacked
Short Title Australian Security Cameras Hacked And Streamed On a Russian-Based Website
Location Australia
Date June 2020

Solove Harm Surveillance, Insecurity, Interrogation, Exclusion
Information Physical Characteristics, Computer Device, Identifying, Behavioral, Family, Location
Threat Actors Security camera producers, Unidentified hackers, Insecam website

Affected Australian security camera owners
High Risk Groups
Tangible Harms

In June 2020 home security cameras in Australia were found to be compromised and streamed on a website with a Russian IP address.


The Insecam website broadcasts live streams of compromised (or hacked) web-connected security cameras and webcams Insecurity, with dozens of Australian businesses and homes featuring on the site at any one time.

One auto-electrician had been identified on a compromised home security camera, that was streaming live on a website tracked to a Russian IP address. He wasn’t aware of that hack and was surprised to know he was watched, which can be interpreted as Exclusion.

The site even allows people to control the cameras by zooming in and out and moving the cameras around. Surveillance

The group behind the website denied it hacked the cameras, saying the owners of the cameras did not have appropriate security on their devices.

But at least one victim, alerted by media, said it was the second or third time the cameras had been hacked, even after security advisors had changed the settings and passwords. In this case the actions of hackers can be interpreted as Interrogation.