Facebook Asking Users to Complete Their Profiles

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Facebook Asking Users to Complete Their Profiles
Short Title Facebook Is Nudging Users to Complete Their Profiles
Location Global
Date 2013

Solove Harm Interrogation, Aggregation
Information Identifying, Demographic, Ethnicity, Professional, Public Life, Social Network
Threat Actors Facebook

Affected Users of Facebook
High Risk Groups
Tangible Harms

Facebook nudges its users to fill in more information in their profiles.


Facebook is continuously asking its users to fill in more personal information in their profiles.

For example it might show a message at the top of user Facebook News Feed, asking "Where did you grow up?" with suggested possible answers. It also notifies users that their profile might be only 90% complete, encouraging them to fill in more information and make it 100% complete. This is an example of Interrogation.

Facebook needs user information to serve them more and more relevant ads, that are better tailored for the individual and therefore are more successful. Combining different pieces of user profile information in this case can be interpreted as Aggregation.