Pharmacy Chain Deploys Facial Recognition Systems in Its Stores

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Pharmacy Chain Deploys Facial Recognition Systems in Its Stores
Short Title Rite Aid Deployed Facial Recognition Systems in Hundreds of U.S. Stores
Location United States
Date July 2020

Solove Harm Surveillance, Identification, Increased Accessibility
Information Behavioral, Physical Characteristics
Threat Actors Rite Aid, DeepCam AI

Affected Rite Aid customers
High Risk Groups Ethnic Minority
Tangible Harms

Pharmacy Chain Rite Aid installed security cameras with state-of-the-art facial recognition technology built in.


Pharmacy chain Rite Aid deployed DeepCam security cameras with facial recognition system in about 200 stores all over the United States. Surveillance The technology makes photos and videos more readily searchable, allowing retailers almost instantaneous facial comparisons within and across stores.Identification

In New York and Los Angeles the technology was found to be installed in the shops that are in largely lower-income, non-white neighbourhoods.

The retailer used state-of-the-art facial recognition technology from a company with links to China and its authoritarian government. However, there was no evidence found that Rite Aid’s data was sent to China.Increased Accessibility

Rite Aid told the media in a February 2020 statement that customers had been apprised of the technology through “signage” at the shops, as well as in a written policy posted this year on its website. Reporters found no notice of the surveillance in more than a third of the stores they visited with the facial recognition cameras.

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