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Pages in category "Laws"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 531 total.
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- NY EDN § 2-D. Unauthorized release of personally identifiable information.
- NY GBS § 399-DDD Confidentiality of Social Security Account Number
- NY STT § 106. Responsibility to respond to the freedom of information law for certain data
- NY STT §§ 301-309. Electronic Signatures and Records Act
- NY. A465. Personal Information Protection Act.
- NY. S5575B Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Data Security Act (SHIELD Act)
- NY. SB 1203. Biometric Privacy Act.
- OH. SB 220. A legal safe harbor to covered entities that implement a specified cybersecurity program.
- OK. HB 2245. Security Breach Notification Act.
- OK. SB 1257. Non-consensual dissemination; making certain dissemination unlawful; providing for exceptions, penalties. Effective date.
- Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968
- OR. SB 244. DNA tests and declaring an emergency.
- OR. STAT. § 807.750 (2009)
- Oregon Consumer Information Protection Act.
- Oregon Consumer Privacy Act
- P.L. 2021, c.371 (A6171 2R CC)
- PA. HB 245
- Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act
- Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK)
- Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act
- Preamble Article XIV. Protects individuals from disturbing an individual's tranquility or solitude.
- Pregnancy Discrimination Act
- Privacy Act of 1974
- Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations
- Privacy Protection Act of 1980
- Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment
- S. 665 - Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu National Blue Alert Act of 2015
- Sarbanes-Oxley Act
- SB 1309. Parents' Bill of Rights.
- SB 236. Georgia Personal Identity Protection Act.
- SC. SB 1224. Michelle's Law.
- SD. SB 62. (2018)
- Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act
- Section 308(d) of the Public Health Service Act
- Senate Bill 322
- Senate File 2215. The use of genetic information and samples for genetic testing and providing for civil and administrative enforcement and providing penalties.
- Stored Communications Act
- Telecommunications Act of 1996
- Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud Abuse Prevention Act
- Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991
- Tennessee Information Protection Act (TIPA)
- TestLaw
- Texas Data Privacy and Security Act
- The Breach of Personal Information Notification Act.
- The Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978
- TN. HB 2029 (2018)
- TN. HB 2690 (2018)
- TX. HB 2891 (2017)
- § 12.1-17-07.2. Distribution of intimate images without or against consent--Penalty
- § 1335. Violation of privacy; class A misdemeanor; class G felony
- § 14-190.5A. Disclosure of private images
- § 16-11-90 Crimes and Offenses
- § 166.065. Harassment
- § 18-6609. Crime of video voyeurism
- § 18.2-386.2. Unlawful dissemination or sale of images of another; penalty
- § 200.780. Unlawful dissemination of intimate image; exceptions; penalty
- § 21-6101. Breach of privacy
- § 22-21-4. Use or dissemination of visual recording or photographic device--Violation as misdemeanor or felony.
- § 2606. Disclosure of sexually explicit images without consent
- § 3-809. Criminal Law
- § 30-37A-1. Unauthorized distribution of sensitive images; penalties
- § 3131. Unlawful dissemination of intimate image
- § 32.1-127.1:03. Health records privacy.
- § 39-13-301. Criminal Offenses
- § 511. Violation of privacy
- § 573.110. Nonconsensual dissemination of private sexual images, offense of — definitions — elements — exemptions — immunity from liability, when — penalty — private cause of action, when.
- § 573.112. Threatening the nonconsensual dissemination of private sexual images, offense of — elements — penalty.
- § 61-8-28. Criminal invasion of privacy; penalties
- § 617.261. Nonconsensual dissemination of private sexual images
- § 644:9 Violation of Privacy.
- § 711-1110.9. Violation of privacy in the first degree
- § 750.145e. Compiled Laws
- § 76-5b-203. Distribution of an intimate image--Penalty
- § 9.61.260. Cyberstalking
- § 942.09. Representations depicting nudity
- §1 - C.2C:14-9 Title 2A. Chapter 58D.
- §1-602. Parents' bill of rights; definition.
- §10-3-1104.6. Genetic information -limitations on disclosure of information -liability definitions -legislative declaration.
- §10. Right of Privacy.
- §10181- §10181.13. Review of Rate Increases.
- §10201. Statement of policy on financial privacy.
- §105. Credit cards; checks; personal identification information.
- §11-49.3-2. Risk-based information security program.
- §115.29. Patient access.
- §12-2803. Testing of minors; notice to parents; informed consent.
- §1201-§1208. Informed Consent and Confidentiality.
- §1201C-§1206C. Online and Personal Privacy Protection.
- §1203. Civil actions for false claims.
- §1204C. Prohibitions on online marketing or advertising to a child.
- §1205C. Posting of privacy policy by operators of commercial online sites and services.
- §1206C. Privacy of information regarding book service users.
- §120E. Unfair discrimination based on results of genetic test or the provision of genetic information prohibited; genetic tests as condition to issuance or renewal of policy on the life of person prohibited.
- §13-2002. Health-General.
- §13-37-201 TO §13-37-203. Notice of Disclosure.
- §13-37-202. Disclosure of nonpublic personal information prohibited without notice.
- §13-44-201 TO §13-44-202. Protection of Personal Information.
- §13.386. Treatment of Genetic Information held by Government Entities and other persons.
- §132-1.10. Social security numbers and other personal identifying information.
- §132:10-A. Newborn Screening Tests Required; Newborn Screening Advisory Committee.
- §134.198. Notice of unauthorized acquisition of personal information.
- §1347-A—§1348. The Notice of Risk to Personal Data Act.
- §1349.19. Private disclosure of security breach of computerized personal information data.
- §14-2-710. Confidentiality of genetic testing.
- §14-3501. Commercial Law.
- §14-3503. Commercial Law.
- §141-H:2. Conditions of Genetic Testing.
- §144.192. Treatment of Biological Specimens and Health Data held by The Department of Health and Health Boards.
- §144.293. Release or Disclosure of Health Records.
- §146.38. Health care services review; confidentiality of information.
- §1497. Electronic mail solicitation restricted.
- §14:323. Tracking devices prohibited; penalty.
- §151:21. Patients' Bill of Rights.
- §16-11-62. Eavesdropping, surveillance, or intercepting communication which invades privacy of another; divulging private message.
- §16-39-1-1. Right of access; written requests; effective duration.
- §16-39-2. Release of Mental Health Records to Patient and Authorized Persons.
- §161.096. Statewide longitudinal data system, regulation on student data accessibility, transparency, and accountability required—regulation requirements—data not to be reported—rulemaking authority—violation, penalty—attorney general.
- §1711. Patient access to hospital medical records.
- §173.2. Limitations on Employer Access to Online Social Media Accounts of Employees-Remedies for Violations.
- §176.138. Medical Data; Access.
- §1798.81.5. Customer Records.
- §1798.83-§1798.84. Customer Records.
- §1798.90.1. Confidentiality of Driver's License Information.
- §17:3914. Student information; privacy; legislative intent; definitions; prohibitions; parental access; penalties.
- §18-2-5h. Student Data Accessibility, Transparency and Accountability Act.
- §181.94. Genetic Testing in Employment.
- §182.815-§182.817. Education and Libraries.
- §189:70. Educational Institution Policies on Social Media.
- §18A:3-30. Actions prohibited by institution of higher education.
- §19-7-45. Blood tests.
- §19-706. Health-General.
- §191.277. Medical records to be released to patient, when, exception—fee permitted, amount—liability of provider limited—annual handling fee adjustment—disclosure of deceased patient records.
- §192.531-§192.549. Genetic Privacy.
- §192.531. Genetic Privacy.
- §192.553. Policy for protected health information.
- §19302. Employment discrimination on the basis of genetic information or genetic testing.
- §1B. Citizens' Rights to Privacy.
- §20-448-.02. Unfair discrimination; definitions.
- §20-601. State Government.
- §205.498. Provider of Internet service required to keep certain information concerning subscribers confidential; notice required to be provided to subscribers.
- §21-5h-1. Employer access to employee or potential employee personal accounts prohibited.
- §2204. Definitions; Insurance Information and Privacy Protection Act.
- §22575. Internet Privacy Requirements.
- §22576—§22578. Internet Privacy Requirements.
- §22580—§22582. Privacy Rights for California Minors in the Digital World.
- §22948.20. Connected Televisions.
- §22:1023. Prohibited discrimination; genetic information; disclosure requirements; definitions.
- §22:1097. Discrimination in rates or failure to provide coverage because of severe disability or sickle cell trait prohibited.
- §22:1604. Customer privacy; protections.
- §23-12-14. Copies of medical records and medical bills.
- §23-17-27. Disclosure of nonparticipation in hospital service plan.
- §23. Right to Privacy.
- §23.1-405. Student records and personal information; social media.
- §23:368. Prohibition of genetic discrimination in the workplace; privacy.
- §24-4.9-3-3.5. Duties of a data base owner; exceptions; health records; enforcement powers.
- §24-4.9-3. Chapter 3. Disclosure and Notification Requirements.
- §24175. Miscellaneous Health and Safety Provisions.
- §2442. Informed consent, Public Health (PBH).
- §2444. Human research review committees.
- §25-2001. Parents' Bill of Rights – Scope of rights.
- §25-5-339. Confidentiality of information.
- §26-401. Education.
- §26.1-36-12.4. Confidentiality of medical information.
- §2615. Insurance (ISC).
- §26:14-4. Informed consent defined; use.
- §27-18-52. Genetic Testing.
- §27-18-52.1. Genetic Information.
- §27-19-44. Genetic Testing.
- §27-20-39. Genetic Testing.
- §27-41-53. Genetic Testing.
- §27-909. Insurance.
- §275:74. Use of Social Media and Electronic Mail.
- §3-712. Labor and Employment.
- §30-14-1704 and §33-19-32. Computer Security Breach; Definitions.
- §304.12-085. Denial of insurance because of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex prohibited -- Genetic tests.
- §30:4-24-.2. Rights of patients.
- §31-33-1—§31-33-8. Health Records.
- §32.1-127.1:03. Health records privacy.
- §325E.61. Data Warehouses; Notice Required For Certain Disclosures.
- §325E.64. Access Devices; Breach of Security.
- §325F.982. Consumer Identification Information.
- §325M.02-§325M.07. Trade Regulation, Consumer Protection.
- §33-54-1. Legislative findings and determinations; intent of chapter.
- §33-54-3. Purpose of testing; consent required; confidential and privileged information.
- §33-54-6. Use of information for scientific research purposes authorized.