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Appropriation is a form of DISSEMINATION privacy harm under the Solove taxonomy. Appropriation is defined as "using an individual's identity to serve the aims and interests of another."
- A social media site using customer's images in advertising.
Additional comments
- A Photo of a Woman Crying After Florida School Shooting (February 2018)
- AI Deepfake Technology Creates Fake Video of Naked Celebrities (29 January 2024)
- AI Impersonation Through Deepfakes Troubles Bollywood (November 2023)
- Amazon’s ‘Just Walk Out’ Tech Is a Privacy Nightmare (2023)
- Companies Stealing Influencers’ Faces (2020)
- Data Breach Compromising 500 Thousands Call of Duty Accounts (September 2020)
- Discord Admits Data Breach: Info of 760K Users Sold Online (14 August 2023)
- Don't Believe Everything you Hear: How Cybercriminals Are Exploiting AI Voice Cloning (April 2023)
- Facebook's "People You May Know" Feature (November 2017)
- High-Profile Twitter Accounts Hack (July 2020)
- Identity Theft of Deceased People for Fraud (October 2020)
- Impersonating Profiles on Grindr (September 2018)
- Jogger Wound Up in an Ad Without Knowing (November 2017)
- Larry King’s Video Used For Disinformation (August 2020)
- Lee Enterprises Shared Subscribers' Personal Information With Facebook (22 December 2022)
- New Jersey Department of Health Retaining Newborn Data without Parental Consent (8 November 2023)
- PA Teachers Impersonated by Students on Social Media (February 2024)
- Porn Deepfakes (September 2020)
- Scammers Hijack Popular YouTube Accounts (July 2020)
- Secret Sharing App Whisper (October 2014)
- Student Loan Fraud Through Identity Theft (October 2020)
- TikTok Parents Use Persons Face To Make Their Kids Cry (August 2020)
Laws and Regulations
The following laws and regulations address the Appropriation harm.
- (410 ILCS § 513/). Genetic Information Privacy Act (United States, Illinois)
- (740 ILCS § 14/). Biometric Information Privacy Act. (United States, Illinois)
- AL SB 301 (United States, Alabama)
- CH. 1. Trade and Commerce; General Provisions. (United States, South Carolina)
- CH. 521. Unauthorized Use of Identifying Information. (United States, Texas)
- CVR § 50. Right of privacy. (United States, New York)
- California Consumer Privacy Act of (2018) (United States, California)
- Deceptive Mail Prevention and Enforcement Act (United States)
- Electronic Communications Privacy Act (United States)
- FLA. SB 1670. Consumer Data Privacy. (United States, Florida)
- Judicial Redress Act of 2015 (United States)
- MD. HB 901 (2019) (United States, Maryland)
- Michigan Identity Theft Protection Act (2004) (United States, Michigan)
- NY. SB 1203. Biometric Privacy Act. (United States, New York)
- OR. STAT. § 807.750 (2009)
- Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (United States)
- §1201C-§1206C. Online and Personal Privacy Protection. (United States, Delaware)
- §1204C. Prohibitions on online marketing or advertising to a child. (United States, Delaware)
- §13-37-201 TO §13-37-203. Notice of Disclosure. (United States, Utah)
- §13-37-202. Disclosure of nonpublic personal information prohibited without notice. (United States, Utah)
- §1798.83-§1798.84. Customer Records. (United States, California)
- §22948.20. Connected Televisions. (United States, California)
- §22:1604. Customer privacy; protections. (United States, Louisiana)
- §49-1-702. Data Accessibility, Transparency and Accountability Act; Part Definitions. (United States, Tennessee)
- §51:2002—§51:2003. Unsolicited Commercial Electronic Mail Restrictions. (United States, Louisiana)
- §62V.06. Data Practices. (United States, Minnesota)
- §63-2-101 TO §63-2-102. Medical Records. (United States, Tennessee)
- §646.607. Unlawful business, trade practices. (United States, Oregon)
- §995.50. Right of privacy. (United States, Wisconsin)